
Saturday, June 28, 2014

Be the example for your kids

For those parents out there I cannot stress enough about leading by example when it comes to being healthy, or anything for that matter.  This starts young, really young.  Kids watch their parents every move whether you realize that they or not.  Even at 6 months old a baby is interested in what you are eating. A 1 year old will see you brushing your teeth and they want to brush their teeth. Young kids and toddlers think their parents are the coolest people in the world and want to do everything like their parents. Take FULL advantage of this time.  It's great if you are leading by example while they are still under a year and don't developed bad habits. When a baby is starting to eat real food be sure to eat with them and share your healthy food with them. Believe me they want whatever is on your plate, so make sure you are eating healthy! Kids are not born craving soda or cake, they are simply craving nourishment to satisfy their hunger.
Set your kids up from the start.
We were at the pool the other day and I heard a 1 year old throwing a fit; I look over and see her mom is drinking a huge Mt. Dew. The mom proceeds to give the 1 year old a big drink of the soda.  I thought how sad that is for the baby - she doesn't know any better. She just wanted what her mom had.
Anyways the moral of the story is be a healthy role model for your kids and they will naturally want to be healthy to. Take advantage of the time when they want to be just like you. They are always watching!!

Apple Oat Muffins

Apple Oat Muffins:

This is one of my FAVORITE muffin recipes.  They are moist, freeze well, and the kids love them!!


· 2 cups freshly ground rolled oats
· 2 teaspoons baking powder
· 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
· 1 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
· 1/8 cup firmly packed dark brown sugar
· 2 TBSP ground flax seed
· 1/8 cup honey
· 1/4 cup plain, Greek yogurt
· 1/2 cup orange juice
· 2 lightly beaten large eggs plus one egg white
· 4 tablespoons coconut oil (microwave for about 20 seconds to liquify)
· 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
· 1 cup shredded apple (about one large apple - do not peel the apple)


Preheat oven to 350°

1.   Use a food processor to process 2 cups of  oats into oat flour.
2.   Place oat flour, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon, brown sugar and ground flax seed in a mixing bowl.   Whisk to blend.
3.   Lightly beat eggs in a small bowl. Add honey, yogurt, orange juice, coconut oil and vanilla. Whisk to blend and pour into bowl with dry ingredients. Stir to thoroughly blend.
4.   Fold in shredded apple. Stir just until blended.
5.   Line muffin pan with paper liners, or lightly grease pan and fill each muffin cup about 3/4 full.
6.   Bake for 16 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center of muffin comes out clean.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Why am I a beach body coach

This is likely one of the first questions that came to your mind when visiting my page.  "Why are you a beach body coach?" "What makes you qualified to be a beach body coach?" "Why should I follow your fitness advise?"  "What makes you different from everyone else?"  I know when I am looking at following someone's blog or facebook those are definitely some of the first questions that come to mind.  So, why am I a beach body coach? It's pretty simple really. I have a bachelor's degree in Health Promotion, but I am a full time work at home mom of 2, soon to be 3 little girls.  I do all of the book work and scheduling for my husband's business, and although it is my dream to be able to stay at home and raise my children I felt like something was missing.  Eating healthy and exercising was still my passion but working at home I was not able to share that passion and knowledge with anyone else. I had purchased several beach body programs over the years and although I loved them, I chose to go to the gym rather than stick with a full program.  At the gym I was able to take the kids because they had childcare so it was a win win for me- the kids got a social hour, and I got to work out.  Well in December the childcare at my gym closed.  I was totally bummed and did not exercise for a short period since I couldn't go to the gym.  That is when I re-looked at some of the programs I already had: P90X, Brazil Butt Lift, Insanity, ect.  I forgot how great these programs really are.  My husband and I have a great home gym, but I just was not finding the motivation to just go in there and workout on my own.  Following a beach body video everyday helped my get back into the grove so I didn't have to think about my workout, I just had to put in the DVD and do the work.  Along with the programs, Shakeology has been amazing for me.  Again, I had shakeology in the past but just drank it here and there along with other protein shakes here and there.  I never felt the full benefit of Shakeology until a few months ago when I decided to have the recommended 1 shake a day.  Let me tell you how great it is for you.  I am now 7 months pregnant and have NO sugar cravings...  That would be amazing if I wasn't pregnant because I have a HUGE sweet tooth, but add being pregnant on top of that and that is nothing short of a miracle.  I also wanted to have a great vitamin and nutrient boost because I will be honest, I eat very clean, but I was never hitting my vegetable goal in a day.  This really helped fill the gap.  So if you would like to learn more about Shakeology or any of the beach body programs left me know and I would be happy to get you information.  I know what it is like to need to lose a lot of weight and having no time to do it.  I have lose 35 lbs after each of my pregnancies and was in better shape after each one, so I would love for you to join  my postpartum journey back to being lean!

Brazil Butt Lift

Of course everything about your body changes while you are pregnant, but every pregnancy and the time after pregnancy my butt gets F.L.A.T! It was definitely a Brazil Butt Lift kind of day for my workout.  I have been working out throughout my pregnancy but I have not been following one program to a t.  Since I am exercising to be healthy and stay active rather than to see results I have been bouncing around to what I feel like for that day.  I have been doing some days of the 21 Day Fix but really just whatever I am in the mood for or what I feel is exceptionally deflated that day lol.  I love the High and Tight video of the Brazil Butt Lift because it is not that long of a video and I can totally feel it working all angles of my butt!
 Brazil Butt Lift

Protein Pancakes

One of my favorite recipes that I make a big batch of once a week is protein pancakes.   These have simple ingredients, very easy to make and have a great macro ratio!  The kids and I like to put small frozen blueberries in the batter and dip the cooked pancakes in greek yogurt.

Protein Pancakes:

1 Cup Dry Oats
1 Cup Cottage Cheese
1 Cup Egg Whites


Put all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.  Pour on griddle and cook like any other pancake.

* Note the batter is running, these are not big fluffy pancakes, much thinner almost like crepes.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Why "Make Fitness Happen"

I wanted to explain why I chose "Make Fitness Happen" for my blog and coaching.  One of my favorite quotes of all time is by Michael Jordan; " Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen."

This quote really speaks to me about the difference in how people live their lives.  There are so many people living stagnant just dreaming of a different life without taking any action towards it.  My husband and I are the type of people who like to take matters into our own hands no matter what it is.  We believe that if you want something whether it be a tangible item, health, weight loss, ect that it is 100% up to you to make it happen.  No else is going to do it for you.  It is not always fun, but it is empowering to take control over your own actions and create the life you want.