
Friday, June 27, 2014

Why am I a beach body coach

This is likely one of the first questions that came to your mind when visiting my page.  "Why are you a beach body coach?" "What makes you qualified to be a beach body coach?" "Why should I follow your fitness advise?"  "What makes you different from everyone else?"  I know when I am looking at following someone's blog or facebook those are definitely some of the first questions that come to mind.  So, why am I a beach body coach? It's pretty simple really. I have a bachelor's degree in Health Promotion, but I am a full time work at home mom of 2, soon to be 3 little girls.  I do all of the book work and scheduling for my husband's business, and although it is my dream to be able to stay at home and raise my children I felt like something was missing.  Eating healthy and exercising was still my passion but working at home I was not able to share that passion and knowledge with anyone else. I had purchased several beach body programs over the years and although I loved them, I chose to go to the gym rather than stick with a full program.  At the gym I was able to take the kids because they had childcare so it was a win win for me- the kids got a social hour, and I got to work out.  Well in December the childcare at my gym closed.  I was totally bummed and did not exercise for a short period since I couldn't go to the gym.  That is when I re-looked at some of the programs I already had: P90X, Brazil Butt Lift, Insanity, ect.  I forgot how great these programs really are.  My husband and I have a great home gym, but I just was not finding the motivation to just go in there and workout on my own.  Following a beach body video everyday helped my get back into the grove so I didn't have to think about my workout, I just had to put in the DVD and do the work.  Along with the programs, Shakeology has been amazing for me.  Again, I had shakeology in the past but just drank it here and there along with other protein shakes here and there.  I never felt the full benefit of Shakeology until a few months ago when I decided to have the recommended 1 shake a day.  Let me tell you how great it is for you.  I am now 7 months pregnant and have NO sugar cravings...  That would be amazing if I wasn't pregnant because I have a HUGE sweet tooth, but add being pregnant on top of that and that is nothing short of a miracle.  I also wanted to have a great vitamin and nutrient boost because I will be honest, I eat very clean, but I was never hitting my vegetable goal in a day.  This really helped fill the gap.  So if you would like to learn more about Shakeology or any of the beach body programs left me know and I would be happy to get you information.  I know what it is like to need to lose a lot of weight and having no time to do it.  I have lose 35 lbs after each of my pregnancies and was in better shape after each one, so I would love for you to join  my postpartum journey back to being lean!

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