
Saturday, September 20, 2014

4 Weeks Postpartum with baby # 3

So, I am like everyone else when it comes to the weight loss process…   At times I feel  like I am not making progress and get frustrated that I am not seeing results fast enough even though I am eating clean and working out.  When this happens to me I feel like throwing in the towel and eating an entire batch of cookies J Seriously though, this was one of those weeks for me.  My progress slowed and I feel like I am never going to have my body back.  In times like this I have to take a deep breath and remind myself to TRUST THE PROCESS!!! Clean eating and a combo of strength training with cardio WORKS, but it takes time and CONSISTANCY! It doesn’t happen overnight.  The scale has stalled for me currently but again I know it is because I am building back my muscle I lost during pregnancy and that weighs more, but in turn it will begin to help me burn more calories throughout the day.  This past week I started Body Beast to help me build muscle and although I have been eating very clean, I have been consuming too much – there is such thing as too much good food.  I am finding the balance of eating enough to keep my milk supply up while losing weight at a steady pace.  I will adjust this week and see where I come in next week! Just remember everyone’s journey is different but we all have our struggles.  It takes consistency, day by day, meal by meal and workout by workout.  When you are frustrated that you are not seeing results, take a serious look at what you are doing to achieve your goals and if you have areas for improvement try to do better next week.  If you feel you are doing “everything right” stick with it, CONSISTANCY is key!!!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Fall into Fitness 21 Day Challenge

The kids are off to school------ insert really big sigh!!!  Everyone is happy and having a good time!  Finally time to catch a breath and relax a little!  Well, maybe not relax but breathe yes.  What does fall mean to you?  For me personally it is full of football games, apple orchards, hay ride, trips to the pumpkin patches, pumpkin spice EVERYTHING, comfort food, the smell of fall leaves, and sweaters and boots.  Now that you are gently tucking away the bathing suits and shorts its easy to let your will power slide because it's not like you will busting out a bathing suit anytime soon.  It's easy to just put yourself on the back burner when of course our family is our top priority.  

The one thing that I have always stuck with thru the past 3 years is this!  When I take care of myself, I am a better Mom, Wife, Coach, Daughter and leader!  I need proper nutrition to have the brain power to concentrate, have patience and energy.  If I don't workout my mood dips down, I have less energy and confidence.  When my pants feel a little snug I feel blah which in turn affects everything I do.  Its like a downward spiral, once you lose focus its even harder to get it back.  The one thing I have found is that being a Beachbody Coach I am constantly surrounded by positivity, encouragement and I am always giving support and encouragement.  So it keeps me in check!!!!  

So I have decided that I want to keep you accountable too! 
 Plus this month the 21 Day Fix Challenge Pack is on promotion and its a killer deal!  You literally are getting a workout program, nutrition guide, portion sized containers, shakeology and free shipping all for the cost of a bag of Shakeology.  So you really can't pass that up!  

My goal is starting on the 15th of September to teach you how to make small changes in your nutrition so that you can begin to have more energy, eat healthier, and fuel your body for energy vs comfort.  My goal is to teach you how to create a meal plan that fits your lifestyle and your family needs.  My goal is to give you simple, easy recipes to follow that require minimal preparation and that your whole family will eat.  I also want to teach you how to change your mindset and start making yourself a priority at least 30 minutes a day!  The workouts are a combination of cardio, strength training, yoga and pilates.  The workouts are modified for every single ability level! No matter what your current level of fitness is you can do this too!  This month we are also going to really focus on the temptations you come up against in the fall.  Pumpkin spice lattes, football parties, pies and treats!  How do you live a balanced life where you enjoy what you love but don't derail your hard work.  I am going to arm you with tools and strategies to keep yourself on the straight and narrow!

21 Day Fix

The group is going to be an online closed Facebook support group where you can plug in daily to get tips, suggestions, motivation and help in reaching and setting goals for yourself.

The requirements are that I am your COACH!  
You purchase the 21 day fix challenge pack from me as your coach.
21 Day Fix is on Sale
On sale this month only
You are an active participant in the group and check in at least 1x per day and give your daily ratings!

You are committed to showing up, giving your best every day!  I don't expect perfection I just want to see you try.  Over time what was once hard to do will now become second nature.

If you give me the 30 minutes each day I will help you get to your goals.

What is the 21 day fix?!?!  Here are all the details:

What is the 21 Day FIX?!?!  

So what are you waiting for?  Its time to live your best life, rock your fall sweaters and skinny jeans and make some new like minded friends to keep you on track!  I would love to have you as part of the group!  Will you  join me?

21 Day Challenge


Sunday, September 7, 2014

2 weeks postpartum with baby # 3

I remember when I had my first baby in 2010, I was prepared for the pain of delivery ( I had no pain medication with all of my births ) but I was not prepared for what my body would look like when I came home from the hospital.  Don't get me wrong, I didn't expect to walk out of the hospital in skinny jeans, but no one told me that I would still look 5 months pregnant and that my stomach would feel like a hug bag of cottage cheese.... seriously not prepared for that.  It was like no muscle ever existed in there! But with time, hard work in the gym, and a clean diet I was leaner than I was before I got pregnant.  For my 2nd and 3rd babies I was mentally prepared for my post baby body so it didn't take me by surprise, but it is still hard to deal with.  Until you have a baby, nothing can truly prepare you for the body you have after baby, but it IS possible to get your pre-baby body back.

This pregnancy I gained 33 lbs - right about the same as I did with my first 2 pregnancies.  The morning after I delivered I was down 14 lbs so I was left with 19 lbs to lose on my own.  Since I am breast feeding ( well, not technically, I pump ) I need to keep my calories up in order to keep my milk production.  I have been averaging about 2200 calories, this is roughly 400 more calories than I was eating at my maintenance weight before I got pregnant.  I am focusing on drinking a ton of water ( for milk production ) and eating clean foods high in protein.  A sample of a day eating wise for me is :

1 Cup egg whites
2 slices all natural sour dough toast 
1/2 Cup berries 

One batch of overnight oats with blueberries 

3 protein waffles 

Whole wheat sandwich thin
4 oz low sodium turkey breast 
Raw snap peas, peppers, cherry tomatoes 
8 oz skim milk with Shakeology

Plain greek yogurt
1 TBSP all natural peanut butter 

4 oz of a lean protein 
Steamed green veggies ( broccoli or green beans typically ) 

I have always been one who is really hungry the first half of my day and not so much after 2:00 so I stack more of my meals in the morning, remember
it's whatever works for you and your schedule.

I have not been exercising yet, but since I had a very quick, uncomplicated delivery so I have been going on nightly walks with the kids.  I will likely introduce some light activity here shortly but for now just the walks!

I will be updating my progress every week or so.