
Saturday, September 20, 2014

4 Weeks Postpartum with baby # 3

So, I am like everyone else when it comes to the weight loss process…   At times I feel  like I am not making progress and get frustrated that I am not seeing results fast enough even though I am eating clean and working out.  When this happens to me I feel like throwing in the towel and eating an entire batch of cookies J Seriously though, this was one of those weeks for me.  My progress slowed and I feel like I am never going to have my body back.  In times like this I have to take a deep breath and remind myself to TRUST THE PROCESS!!! Clean eating and a combo of strength training with cardio WORKS, but it takes time and CONSISTANCY! It doesn’t happen overnight.  The scale has stalled for me currently but again I know it is because I am building back my muscle I lost during pregnancy and that weighs more, but in turn it will begin to help me burn more calories throughout the day.  This past week I started Body Beast to help me build muscle and although I have been eating very clean, I have been consuming too much – there is such thing as too much good food.  I am finding the balance of eating enough to keep my milk supply up while losing weight at a steady pace.  I will adjust this week and see where I come in next week! Just remember everyone’s journey is different but we all have our struggles.  It takes consistency, day by day, meal by meal and workout by workout.  When you are frustrated that you are not seeing results, take a serious look at what you are doing to achieve your goals and if you have areas for improvement try to do better next week.  If you feel you are doing “everything right” stick with it, CONSISTANCY is key!!!

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