
About Me

I am a 28 year old mother of two girls, Addison is 3 1/2 and McKayla is 19 months with another girl due in 2 months.  I have been active my whole life growing up playing volleyball, basketball and softball.  Being healthy was always a concern of mine as my dad died when I was 15.  At that point in my life healthy simply meant not being over weight and not smoking and drinking.  Like many people I knew I wanted to be healthy but nutrition was my lacking.  Again, I knew the basics, you should eat your fruits and vegetables ect and thought you should eat low calorie/ low fat. 

In college although not active like I was in high school I was still drawn to health and wellness as the obesity epidemic was taking over in both children and adults. I got my bachelors degree in Health Promotions to get the knowledge I needed to somehow help with this growing problem.  While I did of course learn a lot in college, the focus was primarily exercise and proper form.  Nutrition was touched on but not much past the basics; calories in vs calories out for weight gain/ loss and the food pyramid.  We did not go into depth as to how to eat to not just be skinny but to be healthy or to be lean. 

After graduation I was the Health Promotion Coordinator at a hospital.  I though great I am going to be able to create programs and help the staff at the hospital to become healthier.  Well the position turned into a cold call sales position with me soliciting companies to have us create programs for them.  I hated it! Cold calling/ stopping into factories and corporations did not suit my personality at all!! I am a natural introvert and although I do agree with stepping out of your comfort zone, this was not the direction I wanted to go.  After 6 months I found a position at a private personal training studio.  I was a bootcamp teacher, private nutrition coach, and I did all the book work for the company.  I LOVE IT! I am the type of person who doesn't like doing the same thing all day so this fit me perfectly. 

As my husband and I were planning for children ( I am a HUGE planner ) we knew that I would stay home with the kids.  Even though I enjoyed my job, I just couldn't imagine only seeing my children for a short period of time in the evenings if I was working all day.  That and my slight controlling nature didn't want a daycare provider influencing how my children were being raised. With that said, even before we got pregnant ( again huge planner ) I became the office manager for my husband's business. He is the second generation owner but was taking the business from a hobby business to a rapidly growing success business and he needed someone to take the calls and do all of the book work and behind the scenes.

Fast forward and we were able to set it up so I could work from home when our first child was born in 2010.  It was perfect.

Though I was not working in the health industry anymore that was still my passion so it became my personal hobby to learn as much as I could and apply it to myself.  I was able to get in better shape after my first pregnancy than I was before I got pregnant thanks to a make it happen attitude and better knowledge of nutrition.  Two years later we had another baby and I got into even better shape after this one!  This was thanks to going to the local gym which had a childcare.  It was fantastic! I got an hour of me time and kicked my own butt in the gym while my kids got a play hour with other children. Both the kids and I looked forward to this time everyday. 

Just over a year after baby number 2 we got pregnant with number 3.  Unfortunate right around that time the childcare at the gym closed... I was devastated. I was in great shape and that was my kids social hour.  I got into a complete funk.  No childcare meant no going to the gym... My husband goes to the office super early, and my oldest is now in activities in the evening so I couldn't go then either.  Luckily with my knowledge of nutrition I was still eating healthy, but the exercise was seriously lacking.  Finally at the beginning of my third trimester I was like ok, I really need to be exercising to prepare for labor here soon.  So I bought Beachbody 21 fix and of course was doing a few modifications but not a ton.  It is a great, short workout that got my body moving again.  Of course I can't see any results as my body continues to grow through the third trimester, but I felt better and my muscles actually felt like they were used for the first time in a while. 

After birth and I get the go ahead from my Dr. I am planning on doing the new PiYo.  I think this will be a great first program after baby since it is low impact but with stretch and strengthen. 

"You're So Lucky"

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